
Friends of Sono School Of Music

Friends of Sono Music are our friends in the music industry here in Brisbane. We love them because like us, they go the extra mile.

How do I become a friend of Sono School Of Music?

If you believe you offer great service and would like to discuss a reciprocal referral arrangement please contact us.

We support the following businesses and recommend their services without hesitation.


The Guitar Gym

4B/100 Coonan St, INDOOROOPILLY and 1/336 Waterworks Rd, ASHGROVE


Are you looking for guitar lessons Brisbane?  The Guitar Gym is Brisbane's premier provider of guitar teaching services.  Trailblazers in the world of guitar, they are totally out of the box!  We network with The Guitar Gym and arrange for our voice, piano and drum clients to meet guitarists and get bands happening.